The one section that I wanted to point out to everyone is the Policy Priorities: Ending Child Poverty at This page tells the stories of children in poverty. The stories that I looked at talked about how some of these families were middle class and now are having troubles putting food on the table. Other stories talk about running out of government support which has reduced some families into homelessness. We have been talking about poverty for the last few weeks but these stories have truly put everything in perspective for me.
The main thing about The Children’s Defense Fund is that they are always contacting politicians to make changes. They also encourage others to contact their representatives and take action. They give advice on how to contact your representatives and give links to different issues that need support. This is where you can find the information
I think that one of the major insights that I have realized while looking through this site, is that early childhood is the start of it all. If we find ways to help educate our young children, they will have fewer problems as they get older. CDF focuses on the delinquents and teens that are getting into trouble because they are not given the support that they need. We need to start making changes to our education so that every child is given the chance to succeed.