Monday, May 9, 2011

Favorite Children's Book

One of my most favorite children's book is, Oh The Thinks You Can Think! by Dr. Seuss. I love to read this story to children because it is a great sources for rhyming with nonsense words. When learning how to rhyme, I think it is great to show a child that we can play with letters and sounds to make up funny words or sayings. I also love this book because it lets the children know that they can imagine anything that they want. It helps them to think outside the box and to let their imagination and creativity run free. After reading the book to a set of children, I like to sit down with them and brainstorm how we could add to the story. The things that the children come up with are fun and exciting. By the end of our discussion everyone has come up with a page for the book and we add drawings and make our own story.


  1. That is definitely a great book for rhyming. I love Dr. Seuss books! What age level do you usually use this lesson with?

  2. Kristen, Recently I used this lesson with three and four year olds. It took a few times of reading the book and talking about rhyming words for them to get it, but they did great! I usually try to do the book making part with first graders since it helps them with their writing skills, but the younger ones loved it just as much.

  3. I love this book also. I love reading to small children, they have such great ideas when you ask them about the book or brainstorm. I also love your quote, its so true.

  4. Yeah Dr. Seuss. I LOVE his books and I have acquired quite a few which I read to my daughter. The words are nonsense yes (I have a wocket in my pocket) but the rhyming component is absolutely thrilling. Sometimes, I will hear my daughter working out her own combination of rhymes and it definitely keeps the brain ticking and the imagination juices flowing.

  5. Definately adds to your creativity no matter what age you are. All the Dr. Suess books are great that way, silly yet creative. I honestly never thought of getting kids to be interactive with books like that though, like finishing the ending in their own way. Great idea!

  6. I love any book that allows a child to use their imagination,it's always interesting to see just how creative they are. Your book choice is definitely a must on my list to read.I'm a Dr Seuss fan and enjoy seeing the pure joy on children's faces when I read his books.

  7. Allowing children to use their imaginations, for literacy, is a wonderful idea! I am assuming that could be done with most any children's book. What age are the children you teach?

  8. When I taught this lesson it was with 3-5 year old children. They really loved to come up with the rhyming words and we had a blast drawing pictures to go with our story.

  9. I love the childhood web that you created. It brought back so many memorites for me, especially the picture of you with your grandmother. I miss my grandmother who is no longer here with me. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts. I also like the quote that you have on your page, because it speaks volume although simple and to the point.
