Friday, November 4, 2011

Getting Ready—Establishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

My goal for finding professionals outside of the United States was to pick two professionals from each website. So far, I have had no luck with my emails even going through with using the I also am not sure who is receiving my emails when using the The main thing that I made sure to do in each email is to show how I am interested in the country I chose or how they relate to me. I chose Ireland because my grandma says we are part Irish and I thought that I could get to know a little more about my heritage. I chose Australia because it has always been a country that I want to visit one day. Also, I know a few people from Australia and I thought it would be interesting to contact a professional from there.

My hope is that by Monday or Tuesday I will have heard something back. If I haven’t, then I will have to choose the alternate assignment which I guess is okay, but I would rather be talking to the professionals that I have emailed. I think they will be a great resource and I am keeping my fingers crossed that someone gets back to me.

The process I took to choosing an early childhood organization was to first look at all the website and see if any would catch my eye. I wanted to pick one that I had not been to before which narrowed down my choices a little but not a lot. The organization that I finally chose was the Children’s Defense Fund.  One reason I chose this organization was because part of their mission statements said, “The Children’s Defense Fund Leave No Child Behind® mission is to ensure every child a Healthy Start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start and a Moral Start in life and successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities” (

I guess my main question to my colleagues is, has anyone looked into the alternate assignment and found a way to contact the people in the podcasts? I was looking ahead at some of the blog assignments and noticed we would need to try to contact them, but I have not seen any way to do this.


  1. Charlotte,
    We are living parallel lives in regards to the assignment. First, I have not had any luck either and when using the Unicef site, I also was not sure of the person I was emailing and their position.

    You chose the same website as me and for the same reason. I loved their mission statement and it also caught my eye.

    I hope we both hear back soon so we can start our correspondence.

  2. Hi Charlotte,
    I am struggling with people returning my emails too. When I went into the Naeyc website, I noticed the OMEP at the start of many committees so I went to their site and emailed the president of the committee, and so far I am waiting for an answer.
