Saturday, October 6, 2012

Evaluating Impacts on Professional Practice

This week we had to think about the impact our personal life has on our professional life, in regards to if we were being stereotyped or people were being bias towards us. By having these negative impacts on your social life, it is guaranteed to have some effect on your professional life. The consequences that I could see happening is the teacher not having confidence in herself and therefore not helping her students gain the confidence that they need.

Another consequence could be that stereotypes and biasness in the classroom goes unseen because the teacher no longer knows how to handle the situation. The teacher could also take personal offense to a comment and treat a child differently. This could also lead to poor interactions with the families because the teacher may think that the families think the same as the people stereotyping him or her.

One example that I can think of would be a teacher who is being judge for being lower class. She may then feel like she is not good enough to teach her student. She could also feel that the parents of her students are always judging her by the clothes she wears or her means of transportation.


  1. Charlotte,
    I agree with the impacts of isms on our professional life that you have listed. Having positive relationships with famileis is really important and needed in a diverse classroom. Derman Sparks and Derman- Sparks and Olsen Edwards (2010) discussed that the more families
    become part of a program of anti bias education, the more their children are likely to develop anti bias identity, knowledge, empathy, and skills (p. 39). Thanks for sharing

    Derman-Sparks, L., & Olsen Edwards, J. (2010). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves. Washington, DC: NAEYC

  2. Great post! I have known some teachers who struggled with being lower class and being judged just like you mentioned. This co-worker already felt judged by the outside world but when a parent said something unkind it became worse. It is hard when it is something you are already self conscious about and then on top of it have it ridiculed. After going through these courses I realize that it is important that I not only stop bias situations between children but also help when a co-worker is being judged.

  3. I loved your point about a person feeling that they no longer have control over a situation and just regressing by relying on personal bias and stereotypes to try and manage an uncontrollable situation. I think this is such a common occurrence and so important to understand because when people feel the situation cannot be controlled or managed they may resort to just relying on a bias or -ism to explain why they cannot manage the problem and that is very dangerous to do. I do not think that people intentionally try to be mean and rude (most of the time - there are always people that do mean to be rude and hurtful) and that we should understand that someone might be in a really tough situation and that was why they said or did something that they might not otherwise normally do.

    Great job!
